Global Kids, John D. & Catherine T. Macarthur Foundation, & USC Institute for Network Culture
Philanthrophy in Virtual Worlds: Considering Civil Liberties

Having developed the new USC 7-island complex in Second Life, emvee executed this kickoff event alongside alot of excited folks. The group discussion focused on the extension of accepted civil liberties into virtual spaces. The discussion featured Jack Balkin of Yale Law, Robin Harper of Linden Lab, and Connie Yowell of the Macarthur Foundation, moderated by MacFoundation president Jonathan Fanton. The event was simulcasted on the web and in SL & the teen grid, and drew a virtual-world crowd of roughly 228 visitors from 16 countries in Second Life alone.
.Know Your Rights: Machinima Debrief


Orange Island Community Management

Metaversatility designed, organized, and is implementing a dynamic events schedule as part of an overall community strategy for Orange which includes, in addition to events, training of Orange staff, blogging, networking, and Second Life cultural induction. Events are held 2-4 times a week and range from small, community-focused, resident-run events to large scale lecture series, concerts, and blended-reality conferences.
.Stay Updated: Orange Island Blog


Club Scion in There: User-Created Textures

Having built the building-sized cars that marked Scion's entrance into the virtual world of There, the next step was to allow users to really play. Club Scion has quickly become one of the most popular destinations for users in There. To create a more interactive experience, as well as empower users to express themselves and showcase their creativity, Metaversatility revamped an annotated the exterior UV maps and texture sheets for the Club Scion vehicles. These new user-friendly texture assets & custom-developed tutorial, combined with There's solid 3D community dev tools, will allow users the chance to completely redesign the look of these larger-than-life chassis.


USC Center on Public Diplomacy & US Department of State
Virtual Vibe Jazz Fest

The Virtual Vibe Fest promoted public diplomacy to an international audience through Jazz music and discussion. Metaversatility worked in collaboration with The University of Southern California Center for Public Diplomacy at the Annenberg School, and the United States Department of State International Information Programs Bureau. The festival showcased premiere six SL Jazz artists & groups, including Jean Munro, Paisley Beebe, and the Virtual Live Band. Metaversatility built the venue & managed the eight-hour event, bringing in an audience of 344 unique attendees, drawing largely from Latin America and Western Europe.
.See More: Festival Photos


USC Institute for Network Culture
Interdependence Day

USC's Center for Public Diplomacy lead a panel discussion on Second Life and virtual worlds at the fifth Interdependence Day conference in Mexico City. Metaversatility provided in world support and simulcasting from the real life panel location to Second Life, and back again, as the panel included three remote speakers from Brazil. Audio streaming and moderated questions made this a successful blended reality event which sparked much discussion in the Second Life community.


Que Publishing
Book Launch: Second Life...

Que Publishing, a division of Pearson, releases Second Life: A Guide to Your Virtual World, by Brian A. White. As part of the overall promotional strategy, Metaversatility planned and executed a successful book launch celebration featuring the author and select Second Life musicians. The event was mirrored over both European and North American time zones, and drew 155 unique avatars.
.See More : Machinima Recap


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Greetings from MV

Metaversatility is a virtual world development company that focuses on design, content development and machinima for on-line spaces. From transnational corporations and broadcast media to nonprofit agencies and educational institutions, we have put our communication and technology skills to work on behalf of a diverse range of visionary organizations, including...